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Friday, March 8, 2013

Shoes | Still In The Closet

Just been spending a few days tidying my shoes closet and found so many pairs of shoes which I bought but never/hardly worn.

I am infamous for not wearing any of my new clothes or shoes.

I have this OCD thing about keeping my stuff as new as possible. I don't know about you, but I love keeping the packaging of my shoes, make-up, perfume, basically anything that comes in beautiful packaging is kept in almost brand new condition. Let me tell you, when I bought a pair of shoes form Net-A-Porter and the actual shoe box was damaged, I rang them up, insisting on having a exchange for another pair... LOLZ. I think this is why they started putting these little notes in the packages saying something like "if you damage the shoe box, we won't offer a refund" hahaha. 

So yeah, that's why even though these shoes are from at least two seasons ago I just can't bring myself to wear them/wear them often. I always think that shoes should have a coming out day where you pick the best outfit to go with the them, because let's face it, after day 1, they're doomed by the possibility of being destroyed by rain/mud/drinks/and if you're really lucky maybe even some vomit. HA! 
(Photos: own)


  1. Beautiful shoes! I really love the second pair :-)

    xo The Daily Fashion Drug

  2. I am in love with the last pair!! So gorgeous!!!


  3. I'm totally with you on that! I like to keep my things as new as possible too! Btw I love those shoes :)

  4. I am so glad I am not the only one who has this OCD obsession!! Shoes are always my pride and joy! hate ruining them!


  5. What a shoe collection! They all look amazing x


  6. I'm the complete opposite I love wearing things straight away!
    S xx

  7. I use to be like you but after a while I realize that if I don't wear it now, i would end up not wearing it for years! I also like new things so I got to get the older ones used before I'm able to get new stuff =)

  8. Lol you crack me up - you gotta wear these shoes girl, they're gorgeous! :-)

    Vanessa x
